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Qualification aims and objectives

•The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to:

● become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, giving them the ability to recall and apply complex formulae, terminology and facts with increasing speed and accuracy; this includes varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that students develop conceptual understanding

● demonstrate detailed understanding of complex mathematical procedures consistently, apply and use terminology, facts and notations, apply detailed understanding of complex mathematical procedures, notations and concepts to a given context

● present and organise data in a variety of forms with limited guidance, interpret information from graphs, tables, charts and lists and draw conclusions. Use a logical approach to generate efficient strategies to solve problems by translating problems into a series of mathematical processes

● solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

International GCSEs

Qualification aims and objectives

•The aims and objectives of this qualification are to enable students to develop:

• understanding and use of written forms of the target language, in a range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes

• understanding and use of the spoken forms of the target language, in a range of familiar and practical contexts, and for a variety of purposes

• the ability to communicate effectively in the target language through writing, using a range of vocabulary and structures

• the ability to communicate effectively in the target language through speaking, using a range of vocabulary and structures

• knowledge and understanding of the target language grammar and its practical application

• knowledge and understanding of countries and communities where the target language is spoken • positive attitudes towards modern foreign language learning

• a suitable foundation for further study of the target language, or another language.

International AL

Qualification aims and objectives
The aims and objectives of these qualifications are to enable students to:
• develop their understanding of mathematics and mathematical processes in a way that promotes confidence and fosters enjoyment
• develop abilities to reason logically and recognise incorrect reasoning, to generalise and to construct mathematical proofs
• extend their range of mathematical skills and techniques and use them in more difficult, unstructured problems
• develop an understanding of coherence and progression in mathematics and of how different areas of mathematics can be connected
• recognise how a situation may be represented mathematically and understand the relationship between ‘real-world’ problems and standard and other mathematical models and how these can be refined and improved
• use mathematics as an effective means of communication
• read and comprehend mathematical arguments and articles concerning applications of mathematics
• acquire the skills needed to use technology such as calculators and computers effectively, recognise when such use may be inappropriate and be aware of limitations
• develop an awareness of the relevance of mathematics to other fields of study, to the world of work and to society in general
• take increasing responsibility for their own learning and the evaluation of their own mathematical development.

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